All possible care will be taken in the handling or each individual entry, however, in no event shall the South Shore Neptunes Skin Divers Club, Inc. assume any responsibility of be held liable for the loss or damage to any artifact.
The annual prize awarded for the best judged artifact, will be in the form of a trophy resented at the year's Annual Awards Banquet (traditionally held in either January or February of that following year). The judges will consist of the Officers and Board of Directors of the year the artifact was submitted into this contest. However, if the person entering this contest is either an Officer or member of the Board of Directors, he/she is not qualified to vote on his/her entry. Judging will take place during a closed session of the last Board Meeting in that year (in December) and will remain confidential until the evening of the Award Banquet. All artifacts and their accompanying completed registration forms are to be presented to the Vice-President during the course of the year and maintained by the Vice-President until the last Board meeting of the year where voting will take place.